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The Southern Nubby Tail

Grady joined the FPAS family in mid-June 2023 after being discovered abandoned on uninhabited farmland just a few miles from the sanctuary, in the county for which he is named, our county. His story is a testament to resilience and bravery. Grady’s previous owners had wandered onto the property with their pig, set up camp in the farm’s office building, and built a makeshift pen out of scrap materials. When the property owners asked them to vacate, they left Grady behind, alone and without proper care.

When FPAS was contacted about his situation, they quickly took action to bring him to safety as soon as possible. Upon rescue, Grady was immediately taken to the vet for a neuter surgery and vaccinations. His surgery turned out to be more complicated than usual due to being cryptorchid, a condition where one testicle remains undescended. Grady had a difficult recovery, becoming the first pig at the sanctuary to experience serious complications following surgery. There were many long days spent trying to coax him to eat, often struggling to hide necessary medication in his food or syringe it to him.

For months, Grady lived in the climate-controlled barn, slowly regaining his strength. It was a challenging time, but he and Skye formed a special bond as she was his sole caretaker during his recovery. Apples and grapes became his favorite treats and played a crucial role in not only helping him recover but also helping him come out of his shell. Grady has always been very sweet but was a little on the shy side. Today, his shyness has faded, and his adorable personality shines through.

Grady is super cute and has an adorable nub tail—though no one is quite sure how he got it. Despite everything he’s been through, Grady’s story is one of triumph, and he now enjoys the love, care, and safety he deserves.

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